Ramanathapuram is a subdivision in India.
Ramanathapuram has a total number of 7 village/citys.
There are 310 postal codes available in Ramanathapuram.
Click on the Village/City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Ramanathapuram.
Ramanathapuram has a total number of 7 village/citys.
There are 310 postal codes available in Ramanathapuram.
Click on the Village/City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Ramanathapuram.
Village/City | Latitude | Longitude |
Kadaladi | 9.376201 | 78.658432 |
Kamudhi | 9.512566 | 78.480719 |
Mudukulathur | 9.515037 | 78.675706 |
Paramakudi | 9.505196 | 78.544151 |
Ramanathapuram | 9.442618 | 78.846361 |
Rameswaram | 9.299384 | 79.267005 |
Tiruvadanai | 9.755547 | 78.817211 |