각남면 is a district in South Korea.
각남면 has a total number of 44 town/villages.
There are 50 postal codes available in 각남면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 각남면.
각남면 has a total number of 44 town/villages.
There are 50 postal codes available in 각남면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 각남면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가금구라길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
가말길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
각남강변길 | 35.638346 | 128.664567 |
각남로 | 35.638346 | 128.664567 |
구곡1길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
구곡2길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
구곡길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
녹갈1길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
녹갈길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
녹명1길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
녹명길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
상사1길 | 35.608355 | 128.678073 |
상사2길 | 35.608355 | 128.678073 |
신기길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
신당길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
신당안길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
연지로 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
예리1길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
예리2길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
예리3길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
예리4길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
예리5길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
옥산1길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
옥산2길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
옥산길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
옥척길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
이서로 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
이실길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
일곡길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
차옥길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
청려로 | 35.638346 | 128.664567 |
칠성1길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
칠성2길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
칠성3길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
칠성길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
칠성윗길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
하사길 | 35.608355 | 128.678073 |
한재로 | 35.613617 | 128.671731 |
함박1길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
함박2길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
함박길 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
헐티로 | 35.629402 | 128.652703 |
화리1길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |
화리길 | 35.647289 | 128.676431 |