감문면 is a district in South Korea.
감문면 has a total number of 60 town/villages.
There are 76 postal codes available in 감문면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 감문면.
감문면 has a total number of 60 town/villages.
There are 76 postal codes available in 감문면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 감문면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가척1길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
가척길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
감문1로 | 36.231858 | 128.168377 |
감문로 | 36.209007 | 128.186495 |
개령로 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
광덕1길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕2길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕3길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕4길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕5길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕6길 | 36.222978 | 128.205561 |
광덕길 | 36.214634 | 128.212748 |
광한길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
구야1길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
구야2길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
구야길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
금곡1길 | 36.221336 | 128.178782 |
금곡2길 | 36.221336 | 128.178782 |
금라1길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
금라길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
김선로 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
남곡리길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
대양1길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
대양2길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
대양3길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
대양길 | 36.202389 | 128.195925 |
대조오목길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
덕남1길 | 36.214634 | 128.212748 |
덕남2길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
덕남3길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
덕남4길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
덕남길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
덕남앞길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
도명1길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
도명길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
문무1길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
문무2길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
문무3길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
문화로 | 36.205014 | 128.153562 |
배시내길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
보광길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
본리길 | 36.205014 | 128.153562 |
삼성1길 | 36.221336 | 128.178782 |
삼성2길 | 36.221336 | 128.178782 |
삼성3길 | 36.221336 | 128.178782 |
삼원로 | 36.222157 | 128.192172 |
새보들3길 | 36.198488 | 128.171915 |
성촌1길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
성촌2길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
성촌3길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
성촌4길 | 36.214634 | 128.212748 |
송북1길 | 36.242379 | 128.157971 |
송북2길 | 36.242379 | 128.157971 |
은림1길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |
은림로 | 36.205014 | 128.153562 |
태촌1길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
태촌2길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
태촌길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
태촌앞길 | 36.206290 | 128.219935 |
하군길 | 36.211540 | 128.135209 |