개령면 is a district in South Korea.
개령면 has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 51 postal codes available in 개령면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 개령면.
개령면 has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 51 postal codes available in 개령면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 개령면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
감문로 | 36.172668 | 128.169328 |
개령로 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
광한1길 | 36.177239 | 128.192357 |
광한2길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
광한길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
김선로 | 36.177239 | 128.192357 |
남전1길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
남전2길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
남전3길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
남전4길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
덕촌1길 | 36.180795 | 128.170782 |
덕촌2길 | 36.180795 | 128.170782 |
덕촌3길 | 36.180795 | 128.170782 |
덕촌4길 | 36.180795 | 128.170782 |
동부1길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
동부길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
모광연지길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
빗내1길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
빗내길 | 36.187977 | 128.199345 |
서부1길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
서부2길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
서부3길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
서부길 | 36.171874 | 128.174679 |
신룡1길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
신룡길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
양천1길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
양천2길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
양천길 | 36.166501 | 128.185368 |
오룡길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
오송길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
오송안길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
환경로 | 36.165640 | 128.173233 |
황계1길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
황계2길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |
황계길 | 36.164778 | 128.161097 |