개포면 is a district in South Korea.
개포면 has a total number of 33 town/villages.
There are 46 postal codes available in 개포면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 개포면.
개포면 has a total number of 33 town/villages.
There are 46 postal codes available in 개포면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 개포면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가오실길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
갈마길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
경서로 | 36.610866 | 128.345965 |
금동1길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
금동2길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
동소리길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
무지길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
방터길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
봉산길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
산정길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
성조길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
소리골길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
솔골길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
송담길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
신음리길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
어룡길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
예성로 | 36.614129 | 128.369143 |
예지로 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
옥동길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
왕의산로 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
용개로 | 36.610307 | 128.348613 |
우감1길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
우감2길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
원두골길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
이사리길 | 36.609128 | 128.403807 |
입암길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
장송길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
종산골길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
죽전길 | 36.608111 | 128.349794 |
풍정1길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
풍정2길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
황산1길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |
황산2길 | 36.619130 | 128.334479 |