과역면 is a district in South Korea.
과역면 has a total number of 48 town/villages.
There are 54 postal codes available in 과역면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 과역면.
과역면 has a total number of 48 town/villages.
There are 54 postal codes available in 과역면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 과역면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가산1길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
가산2길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
고흥로 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
과역로 | 34.682340 | 127.364610 |
구곡길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
내로당날길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
내로새똠길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
내로음짝길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
내백중앙길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
도야1길 | 34.700621 | 127.343456 |
도야2길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
도야3길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
독대길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
무궁화길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
문화마을길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
민등길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
방란길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
백일길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
봉촌길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
상분중앙길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
상송중앙길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
샘골길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
석촌1길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
석촌2길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
송학샘길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
송학큰길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
시장안길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
심포길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
쌍정자길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
여도진로 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
여동길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
옥금길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
외로길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
외백순환길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
외호길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
우주항공로 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
원당길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
원연등길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
원호덕길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
월봉길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
월악길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
유동부곡길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
유동신촌길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
인학길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |
하분길 | 34.664613 | 127.343875 |
하송길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
호곡길 | 34.691537 | 127.338192 |
화덕길 | 34.690870 | 127.411762 |