남한산성면 is a district in South Korea.
남한산성면 has a total number of 20 town/villages.
There are 34 postal codes available in 남한산성면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 남한산성면.
남한산성면 has a total number of 20 town/villages.
There are 34 postal codes available in 남한산성면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 남한산성면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
검복길 | 37.466496 | 127.209760 |
관청수길 | 37.441586 | 127.285975 |
남한산성로 | 37.464092 | 127.213630 |
남한산성로780번길 | 37.471200 | 127.201582 |
남한산성로792번길 | 37.471200 | 127.201582 |
내곡길 | 37.441586 | 127.285975 |
박진이길 | 37.441586 | 127.285975 |
불당길 | 37.456795 | 127.215964 |
불당길37번길 | 37.456795 | 127.215964 |
솔치길 | 37.442856 | 127.259053 |
양지말길 | 37.441586 | 127.285975 |
엄미길 | 37.457619 | 127.234542 |
엄미길105번길 | 37.457619 | 127.234542 |
오전길 | 37.456795 | 127.215964 |
은골길 | 37.441586 | 127.285975 |
중부고속도로 | 37.442856 | 127.259053 |
태허정로 | 37.442221 | 127.272514 |
해공로 | 37.442009 | 127.277001 |
회안대로 | 37.445555 | 127.259535 |
회안대로1583번길 | 37.457619 | 127.234542 |