단촌면 is a district in South Korea.
단촌면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 37 postal codes available in 단촌면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 단촌면.
단촌면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 37 postal codes available in 단촌면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 단촌면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
경북대로 | 36.397388 | 128.666936 |
고운길 | 36.423841 | 128.702251 |
고운사길 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |
골안길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
관덕길 | 36.428390 | 128.710668 |
구계1길 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |
구계2길 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |
동내개골길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
마들길 | 36.428390 | 128.710668 |
목촌길 | 36.400027 | 128.672946 |
방하1길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
방하2길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
병방길 | 36.428390 | 128.710668 |
북부길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
상화길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
세촌길 | 36.400027 | 128.672946 |
수일상길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
수일하길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
신기길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
신기안길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
신적길 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
안평의성로 | 36.382884 | 128.678275 |
일직점곡로 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |
장림1길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
장림2길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
장림길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
장터길 | 36.400027 | 128.672946 |
평팔명진길 | 36.409254 | 128.649587 |
행화길 | 36.391456 | 128.675611 |
후평길 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |
후평들길 | 36.443107 | 128.723140 |