마암면 is a district in South Korea.
마암면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 45 postal codes available in 마암면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 마암면.
마암면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 45 postal codes available in 마암면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 마암면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
곤기길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
금호로 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
낙정길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
남해안대로 | 35.034442 | 128.345273 |
당항만로 | 35.034442 | 128.345273 |
도전1길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
도전2길 | 35.034442 | 128.345273 |
도전3길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
도전4길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
도전5길 | 35.053807 | 128.329427 |
두호1길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
두호2길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
두호3길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
두호4길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
배둔서길 | 35.046146 | 128.355372 |
보전1길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
보전2길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
보전3길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
삼락1길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락2길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락3길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락4길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락5길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락6길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
삼락7길 | 35.020422 | 128.349618 |
석마1길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
석마2길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
석마3길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
성전1길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
성전2길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
신리1길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
신리2길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
옥천로 | 35.056480 | 128.323677 |
장산길 | 35.064498 | 128.306426 |
화산1길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
화산2길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
화산3길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |
화산4길 | 35.048462 | 128.340928 |