방림면 is a district in South Korea.
방림면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 38 postal codes available in 방림면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 방림면.
방림면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 38 postal codes available in 방림면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 방림면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
감동지길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
계촌길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
고원로 | 37.440950 | 128.351499 |
골미길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
구포길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
뇌운계곡1길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
뇌운계곡로 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
대미동길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
들모고개길 | 37.441359 | 128.305234 |
방림1길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
방림2길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
방림3길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
배나무골길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
뱃재로 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
뱃재옛길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
비네소골길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
삼형제1길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
삼형제길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
서동로 | 37.431036 | 128.342861 |
여우재1길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
여우재2길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
여우재길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
운교길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
운지로 | 37.441359 | 128.305234 |
월암길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
점촌길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
창수동길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |
천제당길 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
칡사리길 | 37.424699 | 128.306259 |
평창대로 | 37.423882 | 128.398790 |
하우골길 | 37.458018 | 128.304208 |