상운면 is a district in South Korea.
상운면 has a total number of 37 town/villages.
There are 55 postal codes available in 상운면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 상운면.
상운면 has a total number of 37 town/villages.
There are 55 postal codes available in 상운면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 상운면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가곡길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |
거느미길 | 36.814918 | 128.816188 |
거촌로 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
계밑길 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
귀내창팔길 | 36.825828 | 128.742781 |
기촌길 | 36.844643 | 128.802167 |
도기길 | 36.825828 | 128.742781 |
두월로 | 36.825243 | 128.730840 |
마장들길 | 36.844643 | 128.802167 |
무진장길 | 36.844643 | 128.802167 |
문촌길 | 36.844643 | 128.802167 |
반송길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |
방골길 | 36.825828 | 128.742781 |
버드실길 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
산정길 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
상반송길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |
상운로 | 36.851697 | 128.782722 |
상토일길 | 36.825464 | 128.783308 |
설매1길 | 36.825243 | 128.730840 |
설매2길 | 36.825243 | 128.730840 |
설매3길 | 36.825243 | 128.730840 |
설매길 | 36.833687 | 128.743283 |
소야길 | 36.858434 | 128.768671 |
신라길 | 36.829781 | 128.809178 |
아랫반송길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |
영봉로 | 36.825828 | 128.742781 |
예봉로 | 36.857578 | 128.757601 |
운봉로 | 36.858434 | 128.768671 |
웃거느미길 | 36.814918 | 128.816188 |
원당길 | 36.858434 | 128.768671 |
이동길 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
임당길 | 36.814918 | 128.816188 |
작동길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |
중토일길 | 36.815874 | 128.773879 |
하눌로 | 36.880386 | 128.770744 |
하토일길 | 36.815874 | 128.773879 |
후평길 | 36.859385 | 128.752486 |