안평면 is a district in South Korea.
안평면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 55 postal codes available in 안평면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 안평면.
안평면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 55 postal codes available in 안평면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 안평면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가도길 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
괴산1길 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
괴산2길 | 36.369867 | 128.616978 |
금곡1길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
금곡2길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
기도길 | 36.369867 | 128.616978 |
대사1길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
대사2길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
도옥1길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
도옥2길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
마전길 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
박실길 | 36.369668 | 128.637314 |
봉호로 | 36.380635 | 128.590380 |
삼춘1길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
삼춘2길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
생태관광길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
석전길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
석탑1길 | 36.369668 | 128.637314 |
석탑2길 | 36.369668 | 128.637314 |
석탑3길 | 36.369668 | 128.637314 |
신동길 | 36.369668 | 128.637314 |
신안1길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
신안2길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
신안길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
안평의성로 | 36.374363 | 128.615981 |
안평일직길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
옥련사길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
왜가리길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
원대사길 | 36.349441 | 128.594084 |
월안길 | 36.359555 | 128.615699 |
죽전길 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
중앙고속도로 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
창길1길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
창길2길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
창포길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
치실길 | 36.370065 | 128.596642 |
하령1길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |
하령2길 | 36.401736 | 128.569325 |