여산면 is a district in South Korea.
여산면 has a total number of 53 town/villages.
There are 78 postal codes available in 여산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 여산면.
여산면 has a total number of 53 town/villages.
There are 78 postal codes available in 여산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 여산면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가람1길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
가람로 | 36.052777 | 127.086296 |
가재길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
관연길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
구원태길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
내촌다리목길 | 36.091576 | 127.055018 |
독양길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
동헌길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
두여길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
두여신기길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
북성길 | 36.065951 | 127.068980 |
사월길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
사현길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
서동요길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
서촌1길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
서촌2길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
서촌길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
수은길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
신막길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
신부길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
신외사길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
여강로 | 36.070914 | 127.067878 |
여산교동길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
여산금곡길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
여산동촌1길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
여산동촌길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
여산학동길 | 36.049113 | 127.090427 |
영전길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
옥금동길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
외사1길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
외사길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
용기1길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
용기길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
원두길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
원두신기길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
월곡길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
유성길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
유점길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
제남남산길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
제남석교길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
진기길 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
창전길 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
천호로 | 36.049113 | 127.090427 |
천호산길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
태성1길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
태성길 | 36.049506 | 127.093679 |
태성노동길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
태성화산길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
함낭로 | 36.074763 | 127.061509 |
호남고속도로 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |
호남로 | 36.061545 | 127.072716 |
호반로 | 36.048327 | 127.083922 |
호산길 | 36.050685 | 127.103436 |