왕곡면 is a district in South Korea.
왕곡면 has a total number of 62 town/villages.
There are 116 postal codes available in 왕곡면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 왕곡면.
왕곡면 has a total number of 62 town/villages.
There are 116 postal codes available in 왕곡면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 왕곡면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가르뫼길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
가야길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
고분로 | 34.951039 | 126.669853 |
구산길 | 34.983965 | 126.701251 |
구천길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
귀엽방하길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
나주서부로 | 34.969452 | 126.669149 |
덕산길 | 34.949834 | 126.666390 |
덕산중앙길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
덕실길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
동산1길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
동산2길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
동양촌길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
매관길 | 34.958273 | 126.690634 |
무숙로 | 34.958270 | 126.654747 |
박포길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
백두길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
본양길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
불로길 | 34.989447 | 126.692453 |
상방신포길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
상석길 | 34.958273 | 126.690634 |
석고길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
성재길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
송죽로 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
신가가동길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신가덕산길 | 34.956467 | 126.684978 |
신가본촌길 | 34.962272 | 126.688353 |
신가상촌길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신가신원길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신가청동길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신원금동길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신원봉학길 | 34.965312 | 126.709762 |
신포내동길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
신포산정길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
양산길 | 34.958752 | 126.678789 |
여시물길 | 34.949834 | 126.666390 |
영산포로 | 34.983965 | 126.701251 |
예향로 | 34.970419 | 126.703341 |
옥곡방축길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
월봉길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
월천길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
월천화정길 | 34.949834 | 126.666390 |
장산길 | 34.974331 | 126.697270 |
장산양산길 | 34.971119 | 126.695943 |
장송길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
창촌길 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
청송로 | 34.957309 | 126.642550 |
터진목길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
행장길 | 34.940436 | 126.665837 |
혁신산단2길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단3길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단4길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단5길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단6길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단7길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단8길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단9길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단로 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
혁신산단중앙길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
호동길 | 34.959231 | 126.666943 |
화정로 | 34.948873 | 126.654194 |
화정마산길 | 34.948873 | 126.654194 |