유천면 is a district in South Korea.
유천면 has a total number of 34 town/villages.
There are 51 postal codes available in 유천면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 유천면.
유천면 has a total number of 34 town/villages.
There are 51 postal codes available in 유천면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 유천면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가동1길 | 36.630832 | 128.384573 |
가동2길 | 36.630832 | 128.384573 |
경서로 | 36.627365 | 128.358668 |
고림1길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
고림2길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
고산길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
광전1길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
광전2길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
광전3길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
교동길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
마천길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
매산길 | 36.622203 | 128.349524 |
밤고개길 | 36.638101 | 128.357037 |
버드내길 | 36.645775 | 128.374073 |
사곡길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
성평길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
손기1길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
손기길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
솔안길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
송전길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
송지길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
수심1길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
수심2길 | 36.648699 | 128.362045 |
연천길 | 36.622203 | 128.349524 |
예성로 | 36.636318 | 128.378480 |
용암길 | 36.622203 | 128.349524 |
유용로 | 36.653154 | 128.364819 |
죽안길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
중평길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
중평천로 | 36.644800 | 128.378082 |
초적길 | 36.622203 | 128.349524 |
화전길 | 36.672365 | 128.349086 |
화지1길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |
화지2길 | 36.642851 | 128.386101 |