점곡면 is a district in South Korea.
점곡면 has a total number of 32 town/villages.
There are 36 postal codes available in 점곡면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 점곡면.
점곡면 has a total number of 32 town/villages.
There are 36 postal codes available in 점곡면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 점곡면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
구암감계길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
구암길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
구암새터길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
동변1길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
동변2길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
동변길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
마들길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
만취당길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
명고1길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
명고2길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
명고3길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
명고길 | 36.407794 | 128.761130 |
사촌1길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
사촌2길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
새들길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
서변길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
서암길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
송내1길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
송내2길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
옥실길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
윤암1길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
윤암2길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
윤암3길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
의성길안로 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
일직점곡로 | 36.414433 | 128.759749 |
점곡길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
중리들길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
한실길 | 36.427713 | 128.756989 |
황룡1길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
황룡2길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
황룡3길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |
황룡길 | 36.387874 | 128.765270 |