증산면 is a district in South Korea.
증산면 has a total number of 28 town/villages.
There are 32 postal codes available in 증산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 증산면.
증산면 has a total number of 28 town/villages.
There are 32 postal codes available in 증산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 증산면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
금곡리1길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
금곡리2길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
금곡리3길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
동안1길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
동안2길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
부항1길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
부항2길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
부항3길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
부항새터길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
수도길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
원황점길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
유성길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
장전1길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
장전2길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
장전3길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
장전4길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
증산1로 | 35.898921 | 128.032608 |
증산2로 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
증산로 | 35.898921 | 128.032608 |
평촌1길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
평촌2길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
평촌3길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |
황점1길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
황점2길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
황정1길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
황정2길 | 35.885168 | 128.042292 |
황항1길 | 35.903505 | 128.029380 |
황항2길 | 35.912674 | 128.022924 |