지례면 is a district in South Korea.
지례면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 38 postal codes available in 지례면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 지례면.
지례면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 38 postal codes available in 지례면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 지례면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가좌길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
거물길 | 35.976444 | 128.035582 |
고렴길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
관덕1길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
관덕길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
남김천대로 | 35.976444 | 128.035582 |
남산길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
대율길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
도곡1길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
도곡2길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
도곡3길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
도곡4길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
등터길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
범박골길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
부항댐길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
부항로 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
삼실길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
상부1길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
상부길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
여배1길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
여배2길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
울곡1길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
울곡길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
이전길 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
장터1길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
장터길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |
조마로 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
증산1로 | 35.969210 | 128.039365 |
지례공단길 | 35.974032 | 128.036843 |
지례로 | 35.976444 | 128.035582 |
향교길 | 35.983677 | 128.031799 |