초전면 is a district in South Korea.
초전면 has a total number of 56 town/villages.
There are 117 postal codes available in 초전면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 초전면.
초전면 has a total number of 56 town/villages.
There are 117 postal codes available in 초전면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 초전면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
고산1길 | 35.979449 | 128.241011 |
고산2길 | 35.979449 | 128.241011 |
노루뫼1길 | 35.976150 | 128.248825 |
노루뫼길 | 35.974457 | 128.255562 |
대고들2길 | 35.979449 | 128.241011 |
대고로 | 35.976083 | 128.250780 |
대장1길 | 35.972650 | 128.262504 |
대장2길 | 35.972650 | 128.262504 |
대장길 | 35.972245 | 128.262685 |
도천길 | 35.976150 | 128.248825 |
동포로 | 35.989752 | 128.263284 |
동포로1길 | 35.984089 | 128.262956 |
동포로2길 | 35.989752 | 128.263284 |
동포로3길 | 35.985218 | 128.258464 |
동포로4길 | 35.992655 | 128.263728 |
동포로5길 | 35.991687 | 128.263580 |
문덕들3길 | 35.966568 | 128.265225 |
문덕로 | 35.970449 | 128.257510 |
문덕로1길 | 35.964225 | 128.248491 |
문덕로2길 | 35.964225 | 128.248491 |
벽소로 | 35.989870 | 128.242556 |
봉정1길 | 35.995558 | 128.264171 |
봉정2길 | 36.003460 | 128.266535 |
봉정길 | 35.995558 | 128.264171 |
소성1길 | 36.032534 | 128.241582 |
소성2길 | 36.032534 | 128.241582 |
소성길 | 36.032534 | 128.241582 |
어산1길 | 35.989752 | 128.263284 |
어산2길 | 35.989752 | 128.263284 |
어인로 | 35.992655 | 128.263728 |
용곡길 | 36.000410 | 128.223373 |
용대로 | 35.952254 | 128.267199 |
용봉1길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용봉2길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용봉3길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용봉4길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용봉길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용봉백천2길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
용성1길 | 35.947382 | 128.262653 |
용성2길 | 35.947382 | 128.262653 |
용성3길 | 35.947382 | 128.262653 |
용성길 | 35.947382 | 128.262653 |
용소길 | 36.021948 | 128.255240 |
월곡1길 | 36.000410 | 128.223373 |
월곡2길 | 36.000410 | 128.223373 |
월곡3길 | 36.000410 | 128.223373 |
자양1길 | 35.976150 | 128.248825 |
자양2길 | 35.976150 | 128.248825 |
자양길 | 35.976150 | 128.248825 |
주천로 | 35.991133 | 128.270309 |
중부내륙고속도로 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
초전공단길 | 36.011361 | 128.268898 |
칠선1길 | 35.966568 | 128.265225 |
칠선2길 | 35.966568 | 128.265225 |
칠선3길 | 35.966568 | 128.265225 |
칠선4길 | 35.966568 | 128.265225 |