회진면 is a district in South Korea.
회진면 has a total number of 39 town/villages.
There are 49 postal codes available in 회진면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 회진면.
회진면 has a total number of 39 town/villages.
There are 49 postal codes available in 회진면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 회진면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가학회진로 | 34.471695 | 126.932946 |
관흥회진로 | 34.478771 | 126.945804 |
노력도1길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
노력도2길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
노력도3길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
대리1길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
대리2길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
덕산1길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
덕산2길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
덕산신상길 | 34.484779 | 126.960237 |
덕흥1길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
덕흥2길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
미백길 | 34.471695 | 126.932946 |
북리길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
삭금1길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
삭금2길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
선자길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
선학동길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
신상1길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
신상2길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
신상3길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
신상4길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
신상5길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
안삭금1길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
안삭금2길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
장산길 | 34.478402 | 126.954344 |
정남진해안로 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
진목1길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
진목2길 | 34.464251 | 126.928628 |
천년학길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
해양낚시길 | 34.491156 | 126.966130 |
회령진성길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진남구길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진남문길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진동문길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진로 | 34.478417 | 126.944726 |
회진북문길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진선창길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |
회진중앙길 | 34.479139 | 126.937263 |