Agyang-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Agyang-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 48 postal codes available in Agyang-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Agyang-myeon.
Agyang-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 48 postal codes available in Agyang-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Agyang-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Agyangdong-ro | 35.159014 | 127.714318 |
Agyangseo-ro | 35.170967 | 127.709349 |
Bongdae-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Bugye 1-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Bugye 2-gil | 35.174444 | 127.718910 |
Daechon-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Daechuk-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Deokgi-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Deokgye-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Dongjeom-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Dongmae-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Gaechimidong-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Hajungdae-gil | 35.177230 | 127.714937 |
Hapyeong-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Hasindae-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Hoenamjae-ro | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Ipseok-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Jeongdongsangsin-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Jeongseo-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Juam-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Junggi-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Maegye 1-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Maegye 2-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Miseo-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Nojeon-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Oedun-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Pyeongchon-gil | 35.180016 | 127.710963 |
Pyeongsari-gil | 35.149390 | 127.696558 |
Sangjungdae 1-gil | 35.174444 | 127.718910 |
Sangjungdae 2-gil | 35.176301 | 127.716261 |
Sangsindae-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Seomjingang-daero | 35.145094 | 127.705129 |
Seongdu-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |
Sinheung-gil | 35.174444 | 127.718910 |
Sochuk-gil | 35.140798 | 127.713700 |