Bukha-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Bukha-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 47 postal codes available in Bukha-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Bukha-myeon.
Bukha-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 47 postal codes available in Bukha-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Bukha-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Baegyang-ro | 35.404507 | 126.866649 |
Bukhaseongam-gil | 35.392962 | 126.906474 |
Byeongpung-ro | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Daeak-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Daebang-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Daeheung-gil | 35.392962 | 126.906474 |
Damjang-ro | 35.394397 | 126.890426 |
Danjeon-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Danpung-ro | 35.388890 | 126.868238 |
Gain-gil | 35.401742 | 126.867294 |
Gangseon-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Gwoljeon-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Haman-gil | 35.403458 | 126.868795 |
Hanamsil-gil | 35.392962 | 126.906474 |
Haung-gil | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Hoban-ro | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Hwaryong-gil | 35.401742 | 126.867294 |
Jangsa-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Jungpyeong 1-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Jungpyeong 2-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Jungpyeong 3-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Jungpyeongyongsan-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |
Namchang-ro | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Punggi-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Seongamyongdong-gil | 35.393918 | 126.895775 |
Sinung-gil | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Sollyong-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Songjeonggongwon-gil | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Wolseongan-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Wolseongyeondong-gil | 35.362156 | 126.856900 |
Wondong-gil | 35.418713 | 126.857630 |
Yaksu 1-gil | 35.401742 | 126.867294 |
Yaksu 2-gil | 35.401742 | 126.867294 |
Yaksuhangnim-gil | 35.401742 | 126.867294 |
Yongdu-gil | 35.395831 | 126.874378 |