부론면 is a district in South Korea.
부론면 has a total number of 54 town/villages.
There are 59 postal codes available in 부론면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 부론면.
부론면 has a total number of 54 town/villages.
There are 59 postal codes available in 부론면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 부론면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가느개길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
가루개길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
거론길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
검단이길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
견훤로 | 37.230191 | 127.774258 |
골말길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
관덕길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
금박골길 | 37.193143 | 127.782852 |
노림새말길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
노숲길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
덕은로 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
두둑말길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
모산길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
벌말길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
법천사지길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
법천시장길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
법후로 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
부귀로 | 37.193143 | 127.782852 |
부론로 | 37.193143 | 127.782852 |
사기막길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
산수동길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
서작길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
서지길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
선유길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
섬강로 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
섬뜰작실길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
손곡로 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
손곡새말길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
손곡양지말길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
손비로 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
솔미1길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
솔미2길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
송정이길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
수영봉길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
승등길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
아채길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
알산골길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
앙암로 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
오리올길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
왜가마길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
월봉길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
임경업길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
잣나무골길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
장남밤개길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
장뜰길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
장살미길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
정산로 | 37.193143 | 127.782852 |
정산샘골길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
정산음촌길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
조구랭이길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
집넘어길 | 37.213630 | 127.780591 |
하살미길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |
학고개길 | 37.172656 | 127.785113 |
흥호새말길 | 37.246752 | 127.767924 |