추자면 is a district in South Korea.
추자면 has a total number of 24 town/villages.
There are 25 postal codes available in 추자면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 추자면.
추자면 has a total number of 24 town/villages.
There are 25 postal codes available in 추자면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 추자면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
대서1길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
대서2길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
대서3길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
대서4길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
대서5길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
대서6길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
묵리1길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
묵리2길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
석두리길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
신양1길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
신양2길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
신양3길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
신양4길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
신양서길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
영흥1길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
영흥2길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
영흥3길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
영흥4길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
예초1길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
예초2길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
오지박길 | 33.947327 | 126.323684 |
추자로 | 33.956804 | 126.313207 |
추포도길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |
횡간도길 | 33.966280 | 126.302729 |