고경면 is a district in South Korea.
고경면 has a total number of 54 town/villages.
There are 73 postal codes available in 고경면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 고경면.
고경면 has a total number of 54 town/villages.
There are 73 postal codes available in 고경면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 고경면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가수길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
가징계길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
거곡로 | 35.979052 | 128.984843 |
고도길 | 35.979052 | 128.984843 |
금정골길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
논실길 | 35.954940 | 129.088619 |
누에길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
단포1안길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
단포2안길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
단포구보길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
대죽길 | 35.973635 | 128.986608 |
대지길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
도암길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
도암새길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
동도길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
동사길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
모시밭길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
미룡길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
민도길 | 35.979052 | 128.984843 |
방천길 | 36.001195 | 128.981534 |
배골길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
백소길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
사덕로 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
산수골길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
삼포길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
상계로 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
상덕길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
상리공단길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
상리큰길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
새각단길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
생계길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
성부길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
수흥길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
심곡로 | 35.954940 | 129.088619 |
심청길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
앞새일길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
양달길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
오릿길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
오배길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
용담로 | 35.977475 | 129.091883 |
월천길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
자호천서자전거길 | 35.976352 | 128.959098 |
장재길 | 36.002496 | 129.043474 |
질고지길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
차당실1길 | 35.954940 | 129.088619 |
차당실2길 | 35.954940 | 129.088619 |
차당실로 | 35.978718 | 129.066047 |
창방우길 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |
청정길 | 36.000009 | 129.095146 |
초일길 | 36.000838 | 129.077922 |
추곡길 | 35.979052 | 128.984843 |
칠전길 | 35.954940 | 129.088619 |
호국로 | 35.984587 | 129.003417 |
효자로 | 35.984468 | 128.983077 |