고산면 is a district in South Korea.
고산면 has a total number of 47 town/villages.
There are 64 postal codes available in 고산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 고산면.
고산면 has a total number of 47 town/villages.
There are 64 postal codes available in 고산면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 고산면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
가새기길 | 35.974212 | 127.223871 |
고산로 | 35.978953 | 127.203682 |
고산천로 | 35.983875 | 127.193584 |
고산휴양림로 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
관덕길 | 35.999550 | 127.193386 |
남봉덕암길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
남봉로 | 35.969078 | 127.207414 |
남봉신기길 | 35.970162 | 127.193627 |
남악길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
눈기러기로 | 35.988828 | 127.199950 |
대아저수로 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
동봉길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
명석길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
밤실길 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
봉산길 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
삼기상삼길 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
서봉소농길 | 35.999550 | 127.193386 |
성재길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
송학길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
순지2길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
신당길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
신상대향길 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
안남길 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
양야신풍길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
양화로 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
어우길 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
완주로 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
운용길 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
원산길 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
원서봉길 | 35.999550 | 127.193386 |
원성재길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
원오산길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
율백로 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
율소3길 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
읍내1길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
읍내2길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
읍내3길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
읍내4길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
읍내5길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
읍내6길 | 35.969078 | 127.207414 |
읍내7길 | 35.978105 | 127.206513 |
제비실길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
천호로 | 35.980274 | 127.178940 |
하삼길 | 35.988374 | 127.239427 |
화전1길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
화전2길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |
화정동곡길 | 35.960050 | 127.208314 |