장천면 is a district in South Korea.
장천면 has a total number of 48 town/villages.
There are 77 postal codes available in 장천면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 장천면.
장천면 has a total number of 48 town/villages.
There are 77 postal codes available in 장천면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 장천면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
4공단로 | 36.123544 | 128.484602 |
강동로 | 36.155226 | 128.468969 |
낙동대로 | 36.155156 | 128.466196 |
명곡1길 | 36.123943 | 128.532861 |
명곡2길 | 36.123943 | 128.532861 |
명곡3길 | 36.123943 | 128.532861 |
묵어1길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
묵어2길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
묵어3길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
묵어길 | 36.150798 | 128.484774 |
산호대로 | 36.145206 | 128.440473 |
상장1길 | 36.135774 | 128.477348 |
상장2길 | 36.135774 | 128.477348 |
상장3길 | 36.153292 | 128.467416 |
상장4길 | 36.167838 | 128.438760 |
상장5길 | 36.167838 | 128.438760 |
상장6길 | 36.155516 | 128.468697 |
송백로 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
송신로 | 36.144505 | 128.474609 |
신장1길 | 36.120996 | 128.479276 |
신장2길 | 36.120996 | 128.479276 |
신장3길 | 36.132884 | 128.481192 |
신장4길 | 36.123544 | 128.484602 |
신장5길 | 36.123544 | 128.484602 |
신장6길 | 36.120996 | 128.479276 |
심곡1길 | 36.135774 | 128.477348 |
여남1길 | 36.139730 | 128.500779 |
여남2길 | 36.123943 | 128.532861 |
장군로 | 36.147067 | 128.484418 |
장천금산1길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천금산2길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천금산3길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천금산4길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천로 | 36.168067 | 128.508138 |
장천상림1길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천상림2길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천상림3길 | 36.159371 | 128.491766 |
장천오로1길 | 36.176762 | 128.524510 |
장천오로2길 | 36.176762 | 128.524510 |
장천오로3길 | 36.176762 | 128.524510 |
장천오로4길 | 36.176762 | 128.524510 |
장천오로5길 | 36.176762 | 128.524510 |
중앙고속도로 | 36.123943 | 128.532861 |
하장1길 | 36.142224 | 128.477781 |
하장2길 | 36.157444 | 128.480232 |
하장3길 | 36.134382 | 128.464844 |
학신로 | 36.128963 | 128.474723 |
한천길 | 36.128326 | 128.473391 |