Jillye-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Jillye-myeon has a total number of 64 town/villages.
There are 110 postal codes available in Jillye-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Jillye-myeon.
Jillye-myeon has a total number of 64 town/villages.
There are 110 postal codes available in Jillye-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Jillye-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Buncheong-ro | 35.247925 | 128.748618 |
Daman-ro | 35.248614 | 128.759685 |
Gomo-ro | 35.244526 | 128.769638 |
Gomo-ro 134beon-gil | 35.246748 | 128.770201 |
Gomo-ro 146beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 180beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 216beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 324beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 324beonan-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 327beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 327beonan-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 341beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 363beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 364beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 442beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 526beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 554beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 560beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 581beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 582beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Gomo-ro 59beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Goryeong 1-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Goryeong 2-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Goryeong 3-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Goryeong-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Hightech-ro | 35.240822 | 128.768699 |
Jillye-ro | 35.246282 | 128.752376 |
Jillye-ro 147beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 223beon-gil | 35.246114 | 128.749213 |
Jillye-ro 233beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 247beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 256beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 311beon-gil | 35.253357 | 128.746832 |
Jillye-ro 371beon-gil | 35.253357 | 128.746832 |
Jillye-ro 41beon-gil | 35.237953 | 128.758613 |
Jillye-ro 74beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 83beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 84beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Jillye-ro 88beon-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Pyeongji-gil | 35.242492 | 128.750404 |
Seobu-ro | 35.247172 | 128.757751 |
Seobu-ro 396beon-gil | 35.267778 | 128.755183 |
Seobu-ro 411beon-gil | 35.247713 | 128.756196 |
Seobu-ro 436beon-gil | 35.253357 | 128.746832 |
Seobu-ro 476beon-gil | 35.253357 | 128.746832 |
Seobu-ro 587beon-gil | 35.247713 | 128.756196 |
Seobu-ro 826beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 860beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 875beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 876beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 885beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 886beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Seobu-ro 964beon-gil | 35.233414 | 128.766821 |
Sirye-ro | 35.247925 | 128.748618 |
Songhyeon-ro | 35.246607 | 128.756036 |
Songhyeon-ro 130beon-gil | 35.240564 | 128.761509 |
Songhyeon-ro 177beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Songhyeon-ro 43beon-gil | 35.247713 | 128.756196 |
Songhyeon-ro 47beon-gil | 35.247713 | 128.756196 |
Songhyeon-ro 52beon-gil | 35.247713 | 128.756196 |
Techno valley 1-ro | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Techno valley 1-ro 93beon-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Techno valley-gil | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |
Techno valley-ro | 35.255637 | 128.772455 |