Joseong-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Joseong-myeon has a total number of 57 town/villages.
There are 75 postal codes available in Joseong-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Joseong-myeon.
Joseong-myeon has a total number of 57 town/villages.
There are 75 postal codes available in Joseong-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Joseong-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Bangok-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Bongdu-ro | 34.803177 | 127.256948 |
Cheongneung-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Chungnae-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Daeboduk-ro | 34.796502 | 127.244763 |
Daeheung-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Daejeon-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Daeya 1-gil | 34.803177 | 127.256948 |
Daeya 2-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Deungnyangman-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Donggok 1-gil | 34.787516 | 127.220775 |
Donggok 2-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Gamdong-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Gonae-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Gwisan-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Heungchon-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Ipseok-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Jeongmun-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Joseong 1-gil | 34.811145 | 127.245850 |
Joseong 2-gil | 34.811145 | 127.245850 |
Joseong 3-gil | 34.815830 | 127.249515 |
Joseong 4-gil | 34.804688 | 127.251744 |
Joseong-ro | 34.813601 | 127.249960 |
Joseongansim-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Joseongbongsan-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Joseongcheondong-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Joseongdaedong-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Joseongdeokchon-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Joseongdeokjeong-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Joseongeungok-gil | 34.803177 | 127.256948 |
Joseongjungchon-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Joseongsedong-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Joseongsuchon-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Jungangno-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Maegok-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Namhae Expressway | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Noksaek-ro | 34.799970 | 127.231703 |
Nopeundam 1-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Nopeundam 2-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Sacho-gil | 34.801666 | 127.262152 |
Samjeonghanok-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Sangsin-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Sanjeong-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Sawol 1-gil | 34.793920 | 127.236069 |
Sawol 2-gil | 34.804688 | 127.251744 |
Seokbu-gil | 34.804688 | 127.251744 |
Sinbang-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Sinchon 1-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Sindong-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Singi-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |
Sudang-gil | 34.815830 | 127.249515 |
Supung-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Wolpyeong-gil | 34.811145 | 127.245850 |
Wongok-gil | 34.820514 | 127.253179 |
Yedang-gil | 34.789699 | 127.220966 |
Yedanghodong-gil | 34.796245 | 127.221537 |
Yongdu-gil | 34.783152 | 127.220394 |