몽탄면 is a district in South Korea.
몽탄면 has a total number of 58 town/villages.
There are 80 postal codes available in 몽탄면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 몽탄면.
몽탄면 has a total number of 58 town/villages.
There are 80 postal codes available in 몽탄면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 몽탄면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
갈산길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
갈산안길 | 34.884712 | 126.514029 |
귀학길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
기룡동길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
남천길 | 34.937699 | 126.501726 |
남천안길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
노송1길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
노송2길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
늘어지길 | 34.937771 | 126.510828 |
당호길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
대치로 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
덕암길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
덕암안길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
도림산길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
도산길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
도산안길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
명산길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
명호길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
몽강길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
몽탄공단길 | 34.937771 | 126.510828 |
몽탄로 | 34.933432 | 126.504477 |
배뫼길 | 34.937771 | 126.510828 |
법천길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
봉명양장로 | 34.886933 | 126.504967 |
봉산길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
봉암길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
사교길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
사내길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
사동길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
사옥길 | 34.893240 | 126.498651 |
삼산로 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
삼일로 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
신창길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
신학동길 | 34.944858 | 126.512503 |
신흥동길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
약곡길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
양마길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
양장길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
양지촌길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
언동길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
영산강로 | 34.916438 | 126.510644 |
오갈치길 | 34.893240 | 126.498651 |
옥반길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
용뫼길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
우명길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
원구산길 | 34.937699 | 126.501726 |
원당촌길 | 34.937771 | 126.510828 |
월천길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
인평길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
죽전길 | 34.891375 | 126.486842 |
차뫼길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
청수동길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
초당길 | 34.959031 | 126.515852 |
학사길 | 34.948401 | 126.513340 |
학전길 | 34.895105 | 126.510459 |
한재길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |
호동길 | 34.937771 | 126.510828 |
화산길 | 34.937626 | 126.492623 |