무정면 is a district in South Korea.
무정면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 59 postal codes available in 무정면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 무정면.
무정면 has a total number of 38 town/villages.
There are 59 postal codes available in 무정면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 무정면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
강정자길 | 35.288458 | 127.059183 |
광덕길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
광주대구고속도로 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
내당길 | 35.292105 | 127.013605 |
덕곡길 | 35.311702 | 127.042921 |
독곡길 | 35.292331 | 127.075364 |
동고지길 | 35.288458 | 127.059183 |
동산길 | 35.287006 | 127.033454 |
등룡길 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
무옥로 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
무정공단길 | 35.292759 | 127.029554 |
무정로 | 35.287352 | 127.033930 |
병목로 | 35.300080 | 127.051052 |
봉서길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
봉안촌길 | 35.292759 | 127.029554 |
서정길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
성덕길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
수문동길 | 35.290912 | 127.034148 |
술지1길 | 35.291836 | 127.031851 |
술지2길 | 35.290912 | 127.034148 |
신안동길 | 35.311702 | 127.042921 |
영천성도길 | 35.291026 | 127.001084 |
오례길 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
오례신촌길 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
오례회룡길 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
오봉길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
옻재길 | 35.290226 | 127.032385 |
외당길 | 35.292105 | 127.013605 |
자동길 | 35.292331 | 127.075364 |
정석길 | 35.292331 | 127.075364 |
제월길 | 35.282450 | 126.966560 |
죽산길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
중리도동길 | 35.288114 | 126.994070 |
창평현로 | 35.262154 | 127.062481 |
칠전길 | 35.289556 | 127.023530 |
평장길 | 35.311702 | 127.042921 |
평지길 | 35.288458 | 127.059183 |
평지정석길 | 35.297497 | 127.059156 |