Ogok-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Ogok-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 44 postal codes available in Ogok-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Ogok-myeon.
Ogok-myeon has a total number of 35 town/villages.
There are 44 postal codes available in Ogok-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Ogok-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Amnok-gil | 35.192138 | 127.346170 |
Bongjo-gil | 35.192138 | 127.346170 |
Chimgok-gil | 35.242135 | 127.360658 |
Chungui-ro | 35.265135 | 127.299953 |
Daehwanggang-ro | 35.192138 | 127.346170 |
Deogyangseowon-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Deoksaneumji-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Deoksanyangji-gil | 35.265135 | 127.299953 |
Dugye-gil | 35.242135 | 127.360658 |
Gichamaeul-ro | 35.270576 | 127.306305 |
Gokgo-ro | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Guseong-gil | 35.236220 | 127.278503 |
Guseongjangseong-gil | 35.236220 | 127.278503 |
Hyeonjo-gil | 35.192138 | 127.346170 |
Misan-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Misanbeondamol-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Misanmireuk-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Misansansu-gil | 35.258622 | 127.304613 |
Myeongsan-gil | 35.236220 | 127.278503 |
Oji1-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji10-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji2-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji3-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji4-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji5-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji6-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji7-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji8-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Oji9-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Ojidangsan-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Ojisindong-gil | 35.269505 | 127.317317 |
Ojung-ro | 35.254782 | 127.300144 |
Seomjingang-ro | 35.234593 | 127.341382 |
Seungbeop-gil | 35.270576 | 127.306305 |
Simcheong-ro | 35.242135 | 127.360658 |