생비량면 is a district in South Korea.
생비량면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 36 postal codes available in 생비량면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 생비량면.
생비량면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 36 postal codes available in 생비량면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 생비량면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
망용로 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
방골길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
비량로 | 35.347514 | 128.045978 |
비량로161번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
비량로320번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
비량로34번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
비량로411번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
비량로417번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
비량로49번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
상능로 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
상능로125번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
상능로150번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
상능로255번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
송계새길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
정주동길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로 | 35.347514 | 128.045978 |
지리산대로4036번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4112번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4119번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4188번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4249번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4284번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
지리산대로4763번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
진산로 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
진산로2106번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
진산로2273번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
청현로77번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
태봉로 | 35.347514 | 128.045978 |
태봉로276번길 | 35.356556 | 128.063321 |
태봉로44번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |
태봉로84번길 | 35.338472 | 128.028634 |