Samga-myeon is a district in South Korea.
Samga-myeon has a total number of 64 town/villages.
There are 77 postal codes available in Samga-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Samga-myeon.
Samga-myeon has a total number of 64 town/villages.
There are 77 postal codes available in Samga-myeon.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Samga-myeon.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
Bongdu-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Deokjingeumcheon-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Dongni 1-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongni 2-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongni 3-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongni 4-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongni-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongnieopa-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dongnioecho-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Dumo 1-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Dumo 2-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Eojeon 1-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Eojeon 2-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Geumcheon 1-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Geumcheon 2-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Geumni 1-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Geumni 2-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Geumni 3-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Geumni 4-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Hakdong-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Hangniyonggye-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Hapan 1-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Hapan 2-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Hapan 3-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Hapan 4-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Hapan 5-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Hapan-ro | 35.429609 | 128.104925 |
Hapcheon-daero | 35.407153 | 128.126887 |
Ibu-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Ilbu 1-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Ilbu 2-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Ilbu 3-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Ilbu 4-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Ilbu 5-gil | 35.412289 | 128.124359 |
Moui-ro | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Munsong 1-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Munsong 2-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Munsong 3-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Munsong-gil | 35.436442 | 128.097237 |
Nammyeong-ro | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Oeto 1-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Oeto 2-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Oeto 3-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Oeto 4-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Oeto 5-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Samga 1-ro | 35.414117 | 128.122330 |
Samga-ro | 35.408865 | 128.126044 |
Samgajungang 1-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Samgajungang 2-gil | 35.415944 | 128.120300 |
Samgajungang-gil | 35.414726 | 128.121653 |
Seobu-ro | 35.418839 | 128.100294 |
Sinpyeong 1-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Sinpyeong 2-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Sinpyeong 3-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Songgok-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Soo 1-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Soo 2-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Soo 3-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Soo-gil | 35.401235 | 128.103351 |
Yangcheongangbyeon-gil | 35.413768 | 128.131694 |
Yangjeon 1-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Yangjeon 2-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Yongheung 1-gil | 35.413070 | 128.150422 |
Yongheung-gil | 35.407153 | 128.126887 |