삼장면 is a district in South Korea.
삼장면 has a total number of 37 town/villages.
There are 43 postal codes available in 삼장면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 삼장면.
삼장면 has a total number of 37 town/villages.
There are 43 postal codes available in 삼장면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 삼장면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
대원사길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길114번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길157번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길20번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길23번길 | 35.349796 | 127.840127 |
대원사길706번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길82번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길93번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대원사길94번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
대하내원로 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
대하내원로145번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
대하내원로41번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
덕산대포로 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
덕산대포로245번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
서당길 | 35.322180 | 127.836673 |
장당길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
지리산터널로 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
치밭목길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로 | 35.334753 | 127.836695 |
친환경로1034번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로1063번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로1101번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로123번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
친환경로293번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
친환경로303번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
친환경로372번가길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
친환경로372번길 | 35.304667 | 127.829831 |
친환경로563번길 | 35.339693 | 127.843514 |
친환경로564번길 | 35.339693 | 127.843514 |
친환경로626번길 | 35.339693 | 127.843514 |
친환경로702번길 | 35.339693 | 127.843514 |
친환경로719번길 | 35.339693 | 127.843514 |
친환경로836번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로985번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
친환경로998번길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
홍계상촌길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |
홍계상촌안길 | 35.359898 | 127.836739 |