석포면 is a district in South Korea.
석포면 has a total number of 21 town/villages.
There are 24 postal codes available in 석포면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 석포면.
석포면 has a total number of 21 town/villages.
There are 24 postal codes available in 석포면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 석포면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
갈곡길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
교동길 | 37.010610 | 129.074737 |
달바위길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
대현길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
둔지1길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
둔지2길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
드르네길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
마무이길 | 37.010610 | 129.074737 |
반야길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
백천길 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |
석포로 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포로1길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포로2길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포로3길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포로4길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포로5길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
석포문화마을길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
성황골길 | 37.046597 | 129.064675 |
승부길 | 37.022606 | 129.071383 |
청옥로 | 37.053227 | 129.037501 |
태백로 | 37.059857 | 129.010327 |