위도면 is a district in South Korea.
위도면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 33 postal codes available in 위도면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 위도면.
위도면 has a total number of 31 town/villages.
There are 33 postal codes available in 위도면.
Click on the Town/Village in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 위도면.
Town/Village | Latitude | Longitude |
개들넘길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
거륜길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
깊은금로 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
깊은금안길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
날마통길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
내원암길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
논금길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
대장길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
도장금길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
뒷장불길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
벌금길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
벌금안길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
벌금잔등로 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
벌금항길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
살막금길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
상왕등길 | 35.650315 | 126.113711 |
석금길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
소리길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
시름길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
식도1길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
식도길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
위도로 | 35.598160 | 126.281329 |
위도정금길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
중선넘길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
진리길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
진리안길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
진리잔등로 | 35.598160 | 126.281329 |
치도길 | 35.585487 | 126.271341 |
파장금길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
파장금안길 | 35.610832 | 126.291317 |
하왕등길 | 35.650315 | 126.113711 |